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Christmas Weddings: His Christmas Eve Proposal\Snowbound Bride\Their Christmas Vows

Christmas Weddings: His Christmas Eve Proposal\Snowbound Bride\Their Christmas Vows

Just leave the coffee on the side, Donald, thanks.' Hawk called out from his bathroom to his English factotum, after he'd heard the other man knock on his bedroom door before entering. 'I'll be out in a couple of minutes,' he added, as he continued to towel-dry his hair after taking his morning shower, not expecting an answer; Donald Harrison was efficiency personified, and Hawk congratulated himself once again for having found the man ten years ago.He continued humming to himself as, draping the towel about his shoulders, he took a couple of seconds to contemplate the view from his bathroom window, relishing the blanket of snow that swept across the whole of the foothills towards the Canadian Rockies, which he could see towering majestically in the distance.Home. It was a stark contrast to the warmth he had left behind in Los Angeles yesterday; he'd been able to feel the biting cold as soon as he stepped out at Calgary airport last night. But Hawk had dressed with the Canadian weather in mind, his sheepskin jacket, faded denims and the boots that had seemed so out of place in Los Angeles ideal for the refreshing coldness that he'd known he would find here.He instantly felt part of the impending festive season now that he had the weather to go with it. It was unthinkable for him to even contemplate spending Christmas anywhere else but here. No matter where he was in the world, he always flew back to what had once been the family home for the holidays.His parents now lived in Florida, as the warmth there was much kinder to the arthritis his father suffered after years of working on the land. They would arrive in three days' time at the five acres and house that were all that remained of the family farm. Hawk's younger sister and her husband—the city slicker—would fly in from Vancouver at the weekend, with their two young children.No doubt the scores of female fans who avidly followed the movie career of Joshua Hawkley would find his family Christmas a pretty tame affair, probably imagining him instead to be on some Caribbean island, soaking up the sun on a golden beach and drinking piña coladas with a half-naked female at his side!The half-naked female didn't sound half bad, but the rest of it could take a hike.He turned to study his reflection in the slightly steamed-up mirror over the sink, rubbing the dark stubble on his chin as he debated whether or not to shave. He decided not; he had three more days before the parents arrived to just wind down and relax after all the razzmatazz that had gone along with attending his latest movie premiere last weekend, and not shaving was part of that process.No doubt his mother would have some comment to make about his longer hair, though, he acknowledged ruefully as he looked at the dishevelled damp locks that rested on the broad width of his shoulders. He was due to start filming the long-awaited sequel toThe Pirate Kingnext month, and had grown his dark hair in preparation for the part.If they could find a replacement leading lady, that was. A five months pregnant female pirate captain wouldn't exactly look right, and Hawk's schedule was such that filming couldn't be delayed until after the baby's birth.Oh, well—that was the director Nik Prince's problem, not his. Hawk shrugged dismissively to himself as he strolled through to his bedroom.'Donald, I think I might—who thehellare you?' Hawk rasped. He came to an abrupt halt in the bathroom doorway to stare across the room at the young woman standing in front of the window and drawing back his bedroom curtains.There was no mistaking that she was a woman. Her long red waist-length hair gave that away, flowing down the slen-derness of her spine the colour of rippling fire against a body-hugging black sweater.But even without the hair it was impossible not to recognise that the tall, leggy figure belonged to a female. Her skintight black denims were doing everything they could to prove the point, Hawk saw with a frown.At the same time he knew there shouldn't be a female— tall and leggy or otherwise—within several miles of here!Rosie had turned at the first sound of the unmistakable, sexily husky voice of the actor Joshua Hawkley, taking in a sharp breath as she found herself gazing upon his nakedness.Joshua Hawkley, thirty-five years old, the most sought-after film star in the world for over a decade, was standing in front of her—gorgeously, gloriously and magnificently naked!Her throat felt dry, her lips and tongue numb, as she continued to stare at him with wide green eyes.She had never been the sort of teenager—had never beenallowedto be the sort of teenager!—who'd hung posters of pop and film stars on her bedroom wall. But if she had, this man would definitely have had pride of position!Joshua Hawkley—or simply Hawk to his friends—at a height well over six feet, had a body Adonis would have been envious of: his shoulders were wide and muscular, and dark hair grew on the broadness of his chest and down over the flatness of his stomach to—Wow.Gasp.Whoa!A sudden rush of saliva moistened her throat and mouth as she found it impossible to remove her gaze from his perfect manhood.As if becoming aware of the avidness of her gaze, Hawk moved one hand to casually pull the towel from his shoulders before draping and fastening it about his waist.Rosie blinked, as if waking from a spell, before dragging her eyes back up to his face. Colour warmed her cheeks at the knowing smile curving those sculptured lips in a face that could have—shouldhave—been carved by Michelangelo. A face dominated by cobalt-blue eyes above a long aquiline nose, that lazily smiling mouth and the strongly squared jaw. Long dark hair, damp and dishevelled after his shower, did absolutely nothing to dispel his air of masculine perfection, only adding to his ruggedness.'I have absolutely no idea how you got in here,' Hawk bit out impatiently as the girl continued to stare at him unblink-ingly. 'But I seriously advise you to get yourself out again!' he added, with none of the tolerance he usually felt towards his more enthusiastic female fans.This was his bolt-hole, damn it, and it shouldn't even be public knowledge, let alone accessible to some desperate woman who had got in here because she either wanted to share his bed or use a relationship with him to acquire a movie role!How on earth had she got past Donald?The girl—for she was no more than that, Hawk was sure, despite her height and the fullness of her breasts and those curvaceous hips—moistened the sensual softness of her pouting lips.Her eyes, between lush dark lashes, were a deep, mesmerising green, her nose was small and pert, and covered with a smattering of freckles and her chin was stubbornly pointed in a heart-shaped face. And all of her elfin beauty was surrounded by that long flame of pre-Raphaelite-style hair.At any other time, Hawk knew, he would have found her untamed beauty fascinating. But not when she had invaded the privacy of his home. Not just his home, but his bedroom, for heaven's sake!'If you aren't out of here in two minutes I'll have no choice but to forcibly remove you,' he warned her harshly, and he ran an impatient hand through his tousled hair, his previous good humour having completely evaporated, to be replaced by impatient anger at this girl's intrusion.She moistened her lips a second time before speaking, those green eyes huge and haunting. 'If you would just let me explain, Mr Hawkley—' Her voice was throatily soft, her accent distinctly English.'Keep your explanation and just get out of here!' he cut in irritably, his gaze narrowing suddenly as he saw the tray bearing a cafetière and coffee cups on the bedside table. She must have brought it in with her. 'Where's Donald?' he rasped suspiciously.'That's what I was trying to explain,' Rosie answered, with some relief.'You were?' His stance was challenging now, muscles rippling as he folded his arms across his chest.He really was as gorgeous as he looked on screen, Rosie acknowledged slightly breathlessly, and his semi-nakedness made him more immediately so in the intimacy and privacy of his bedroom.But it was also pretty obvious from Joshua Hawkley's comments that he was in complete ignorance of who she was or what she was doing here. That Donald hadn't told his employer that she was even staying here.Joshua Hawkley's aggression was understandable now that she realised he had thought she was an intruder—an over-enthusiastic female fan?—in his home.She shrugged. 'My—er—I don't know if you noticed, but Donald wasn't at all well yesterday when he picked you up from the airport…' She grimaced as Hawk gave a puzzled shake of his head. 'No? Well, this morning he woke up shivering and with a high temperature. I think he probably has the flu,' she finished.Three things became obvious to Hawk from that statement.First, this girl knew exactly who Donald was, and so wasn't an intruder at all.Second, she had come to an abrupt halt after beginning her statement with 'My—'And third, perhaps she didn't need to complete it. She had obviously been around to see what Donald had looked like when he woke up that morning…!In the light of those realisations, Hawk re-evaluated the young woman standing beside his sleep-tousled bed.She looked vaguely familiar to him—as if he should know her… Where had he seen her before? He knew he had never met her.And obviously she was here to see Donald…She had to be in her early twenties—but then Donald was only in his early forties. A twenty-year-odd age difference wasn't an insurmountable barrier.Hawk had never found the need to discuss Donald's private life with him, but he supposed that his assistant must have one. He knew that the older man liked to listen to classical music, and that when their schedule allowed Donald took off to go to live concerts in one part of the world or another.But, despite his cultured t...
ISBN: 0373837275
ISBN13: 9780373837274
Just leave the coffee on the side, Donald, thanks.' Hawk called out from his bathroom to his English factotum, after he'd heard the other man knock on his bedroom door before entering. 'I'll be out in a couple of minutes,' he added, as he continued to towel-dry his hair after taking his morning shower, not expecting an answer; Donald Harrison was efficiency personified, and Hawk congratulated himself once again for having found the man ten years ago.He continued humming to himself as, draping the towel about his shoulders, he took a couple of seconds to contemplate the view from his bathroom window, relishing the blanket of snow that swept across the whole of the foothills towards the Canadian Rockies, which he could see towering majestically in the distance.Home. It was a stark contrast to the warmth he had left behind in Los Angeles yesterday; he'd been able to feel the biting cold as soon as he stepped out at Calgary airport last night. But Hawk had dressed with the Canadian weather in mind, his sheepskin jacket, faded denims and the boots that had seemed so out of place in Los Angeles ideal for the refreshing coldness that he'd known he would find here.He instantly felt part of the impending festive season now that he had the weather to go with it. It was unthinkable for him to even contemplate spending Christmas anywhere else but here. No matter where he was in the world, he always flew back to what had once been the family home for the holidays.His parents now lived in Florida, as the warmth there was much kinder to the arthritis his father suffered after years of working on the land. They would arrive in three days' time at the five acres and house that were all that remained of the family farm. Hawk's younger sister and her husband—the city slicker—would fly in from Vancouver at the weekend, with their two young children.No doubt the scores of female fans who avidly followed the movie career of Joshua Hawkley would find his family Christmas a pretty tame affair, probably imagining him instead to be on some Caribbean island, soaking up the sun on a golden beach and drinking piña coladas with a half-naked female at his side!The half-naked female didn't sound half bad, but the rest of it could take a hike.He turned to study his reflection in the slightly steamed-up mirror over the sink, rubbing the dark stubble on his chin as he debated whether or not to shave. He decided not; he had three more days before the parents arrived to just wind down and relax after all the razzmatazz that had gone along with attending his latest movie premiere last weekend, and not shaving was part of that process.No doubt his mother would have some comment to make about his longer hair, though, he acknowledged ruefully as he looked at the dishevelled damp locks that rested on the broad width of his shoulders. He was due to start filming the long-awaited sequel toThe Pirate Kingnext month, and had grown his dark hair in preparation for the part.If they could find a replacement leading lady, that was. A five months pregnant female pirate captain wouldn't exactly look right, and Hawk's schedule was such that filming couldn't be delayed until after the baby's birth.Oh, well—that was the director Nik Prince's problem, not his. Hawk shrugged dismissively to himself as he strolled through to his bedroom.'Donald, I think I might—who thehellare you?' Hawk rasped. He came to an abrupt halt in the bathroom doorway to stare across the room at the young woman standing in front of the window and drawing back his bedroom curtains.There was no mistaking that she was a woman. Her long red waist-length hair gave that away, flowing down the slen-derness of her spine the colour of rippling fire against a body-hugging black sweater.But even without the hair it was impossible not to recognise that the tall, leggy figure belonged to a female. Her skintight black denims were doing everything they could to prove the point, Hawk saw with a frown.At the same time he knew there shouldn't be a female— tall and leggy or otherwise—within several miles of here!Rosie had turned at the first sound of the unmistakable, sexily husky voice of the actor Joshua Hawkley, taking in a sharp breath as she found herself gazing upon his nakedness.Joshua Hawkley, thirty-five years old, the most sought-after film star in the world for over a decade, was standing in front of her—gorgeously, gloriously and magnificently naked!Her throat felt dry, her lips and tongue numb, as she continued to stare at him with wide green eyes.She had never been the sort of teenager—had never beenallowedto be the sort of teenager!—who'd hung posters of pop and film stars on her bedroom wall. But if she had, this man would definitely have had pride of position!Joshua Hawkley—or simply Hawk to his friends—at a height well over six feet, had a body Adonis would have been envious of: his shoulders were wide and muscular, and dark hair grew on the broadness of his chest and down over the flatness of his stomach to—Wow.Gasp.Whoa!A sudden rush of saliva moistened her throat and mouth as she found it impossible to remove her gaze from his perfect manhood.As if becoming aware of the avidness of her gaze, Hawk moved one hand to casually pull the towel from his shoulders before draping and fastening it about his waist.Rosie blinked, as if waking from a spell, before dragging her eyes back up to his face. Colour warmed her cheeks at the knowing smile curving those sculptured lips in a face that could have—shouldhave—been carved by Michelangelo. A face dominated by cobalt-blue eyes above a long aquiline nose, that lazily smiling mouth and the strongly squared jaw. Long dark hair, damp and dishevelled after his shower, did absolutely nothing to dispel his air of masculine perfection, only adding to his ruggedness.'I have absolutely no idea how you got in here,' Hawk bit out impatiently as the girl continued to stare at him unblink-ingly. 'But I seriously advise you to get yourself out again!' he added, with none of the tolerance he usually felt towards his more enthusiastic female fans.This was his bolt-hole, damn it, and it shouldn't even be public knowledge, let alone accessible to some desperate woman who had got in here because she either wanted to share his bed or use a relationship with him to acquire a movie role!How on earth had she got past Donald?The girl—for she was no more than that, Hawk was sure, despite her height and the fullness of her breasts and those curvaceous hips—moistened the sensual softness of her pouting lips.Her eyes, between lush dark lashes, were a deep, mesmerising green, her nose was small and pert, and covered with a smattering of freckles and her chin was stubbornly pointed in a heart-shaped face. And all of her elfin beauty was surrounded by that long flame of pre-Raphaelite-style hair.At any other time, Hawk knew, he would have found her untamed beauty fascinating. But not when she had invaded the privacy of his home. Not just his home, but his bedroom, for heaven's sake!'If you aren't out of here in two minutes I'll have no choice but to forcibly remove you,' he warned her harshly, and he ran an impatient hand through his tousled hair, his previous good humour having completely evaporated, to be replaced by impatient anger at this girl's intrusion.She moistened her lips a second time before speaking, those green eyes huge and haunting. 'If you would just let me explain, Mr Hawkley—' Her voice was throatily soft, her accent distinctly English.'Keep your explanation and just get out of here!' he cut in irritably, his gaze narrowing suddenly as he saw the tray bearing a cafetière and coffee cups on the bedside table. She must have brought it in with her. 'Where's Donald?' he rasped suspiciously.'That's what I was trying to explain,' Rosie answered, with some relief.'You were?' His stance was challenging now, muscles rippling as he folded his arms across his chest.He really was as gorgeous as he looked on screen, Rosie acknowledged slightly breathlessly, and his semi-nakedness made him more immediately so in the intimacy and privacy of his bedroom.But it was also pretty obvious from Joshua Hawkley's comments that he was in complete ignorance of who she was or what she was doing here. That Donald hadn't told his employer that she was even staying here.Joshua Hawkley's aggression was understandable now that she realised he had thought she was an intruder—an over-enthusiastic female fan?—in his home.She shrugged. 'My—er—I don't know if you noticed, but Donald wasn't at all well yesterday when he picked you up from the airport…' She grimaced as Hawk gave a puzzled shake of his head. 'No? Well, this morning he woke up shivering and with a high temperature. I think he probably has the flu,' she finished.Three things became obvious to Hawk from that statement.First, this girl knew exactly who Donald was, and so wasn't an intruder at all.Second, she had come to an abrupt halt after beginning her statement with 'My—'And third, perhaps she didn't need to complete it. She had obviously been around to see what Donald had looked like when he woke up that morning…!In the light of those realisations, Hawk re-evaluated the young woman standing beside his sleep-tousled bed.She looked vaguely familiar to him—as if he should know her… Where had he seen her before? He knew he had never met her.And obviously she was here to see Donald…She had to be in her early twenties—but then Donald was only in his early forties. A twenty-year-odd age difference wasn't an insurmountable barrier.Hawk had never found the need to discuss Donald's private life with him, but he supposed that his assistant must have one. He knew that the older man liked to listen to classical music, and that when their schedule allowed Donald took off to go to live concerts in one part of the world or another.But, despite his cultured t...

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Just leave the coffee on the side, Donald, thanks.' Hawk called out from his bathroom to his English factotum, after he'd heard the other man knock on his bedroom door before entering. 'I'll be out in a couple of minutes,' he added, as he continued to towel-dry his hair after taking his morning shower, not expecting an answer; Donald Harrison was efficiency personified, and Hawk congratulated himself once again for having found the man ten years ago.He continued humming to himself as, draping the towel about his shoulders, he took a couple of seconds to contemplate the view from his bathroom window, relishing the blanket of snow that swept across the whole of the foothills towards the Canadian Rockies, which he could see towering majestically in the distance.Home. It was a stark contrast to the warmth he had left behind in Los Angeles yesterday; he'd been able to feel the biting cold as soon as he stepped out at Calgary airport last night. But Hawk had dressed with the Canadian weather in mind, his sheepskin jacket, faded denims and the boots that had seemed so out of place in Los Angeles ideal for the refreshing coldness that he'd known he would find here.He instantly felt part of the impending festive season now that he had the weather to go with it. It was unthinkable for him to even contemplate spending Christmas anywhere else but here. No matter where he was in the world, he always flew back to what had once been the family home for the holidays.His parents now lived in Florida, as the warmth there was much kinder to the arthritis his father suffered after years of working on the land. They would arrive in three days' time at the five acres and house that were all that remained of the family farm. Hawk's younger sister and her husband—the city slicker—would fly in from Vancouver at the weekend, with their two young children.No doubt the scores of female fans who avidly followed the movie career of Joshua Hawkley would find his family Christmas a pretty tame affair, probably imagining him instead to be on some Caribbean island, soaking up the sun on a golden beach and drinking piña coladas with a half-naked female at his side!The half-naked female didn't sound half bad, but the rest of it could take a hike.He turned to study his reflection in the slightly steamed-up mirror over the sink, rubbing the dark stubble on his chin as he debated whether or not to shave. He decided not; he had three more days before the parents arrived to just wind down and relax after all the razzmatazz that had gone along with attending his latest movie premiere last weekend, and not shaving was part of that process.No doubt his mother would have some comment to make about his longer hair, though, he acknowledged ruefully as he looked at the dishevelled damp locks that rested on the broad width of his shoulders. He was due to start filming the long-awaited sequel toThe Pirate Kingnext month, and had grown his dark hair in preparation for the part.If they could find a replacement leading lady, that was. A five months pregnant female pirate captain wouldn't exactly look right, and Hawk's schedule was such that filming couldn't be delayed until after the baby's birth.Oh, well—that was the director Nik Prince's problem, not his. Hawk shrugged dismissively to himself as he strolled through to his bedroom.'Donald, I think I might—who thehellare you?' Hawk rasped. He came to an abrupt halt in the bathroom doorway to stare across the room at the young woman standing in front of the window and drawing back his bedroom curtains.There was no mistaking that she was a woman. Her long red waist-length hair gave that away, flowing down the slen-derness of her spine the colour of rippling fire against a body-hugging black sweater.But even without the hair it was impossible not to recognise that the tall, leggy figure belonged to a female. Her skintight black denims were doing everything they could to prove the point, Hawk saw with a frown.At the same time he knew there shouldn't be a female— tall and leggy or otherwise—within several miles of here!Rosie had turned at the first sound of the unmistakable, sexily husky voice of the actor Joshua Hawkley, taking in a sharp breath as she found herself gazing upon his nakedness.Joshua Hawkley, thirty-five years old, the most sought-after film star in the world for over a decade, was standing in front of her—gorgeously, gloriously and magnificently naked!Her throat felt dry, her lips and tongue numb, as she continued to stare at him with wide green eyes.She had never been the sort of teenager—had never beenallowedto be the sort of teenager!—who'd hung posters of pop and film stars on her bedroom wall. But if she had, this man would definitely have had pride of position!Joshua Hawkley—or simply Hawk to his friends—at a height well over six feet, had a body Adonis would have been envious of: his shoulders were wide and muscular, and dark hair grew on the broadness of his chest and down over the flatness of his stomach to—Wow.Gasp.Whoa!A sudden rush of saliva moistened her throat and mouth as she found it impossible to remove her gaze from his perfect manhood.As if becoming aware of the avidness of her gaze, Hawk moved one hand to casually pull the towel from his shoulders before draping and fastening it about his waist.Rosie blinked, as if waking from a spell, before dragging her eyes back up to his face. Colour warmed her cheeks at the knowing smile curving those sculptured lips in a face that could have—shouldhave—been carved by Michelangelo. A face dominated by cobalt-blue eyes above a long aquiline nose, that lazily smiling mouth and the strongly squared jaw. Long dark hair, damp and dishevelled after his shower, did absolutely nothing to dispel his air of masculine perfection, only adding to his ruggedness.'I have absolutely no idea how you got in here,' Hawk bit out impatiently as the girl continued to stare at him unblink-ingly. 'But I seriously advise you to get yourself out again!' he added, with none of the tolerance he usually felt towards his more enthusiastic female fans.This was his bolt-hole, damn it, and it shouldn't even be public knowledge, let alone accessible to some desperate woman who had got in here because she either wanted to share his bed or use a relationship with him to acquire a movie role!How on earth had she got past Donald?The girl—for she was no more than that, Hawk was sure, despite her height and the fullness of her breasts and those curvaceous hips—moistened the sensual softness of her pouting lips.Her eyes, between lush dark lashes, were a deep, mesmerising green, her nose was small and pert, and covered with a smattering of freckles and her chin was stubbornly pointed in a heart-shaped face. And all of her elfin beauty was surrounded by that long flame of pre-Raphaelite-style hair.At any other time, Hawk knew, he would have found her untamed beauty fascinating. But not when she had invaded the privacy of his home. Not just his home, but his bedroom, for heaven's sake!'If you aren't out of here in two minutes I'll have no choice but to forcibly remove you,' he warned her harshly, and he ran an impatient hand through his tousled hair, his previous good humour having completely evaporated, to be replaced by impatient anger at this girl's intrusion.She moistened her lips a second time before speaking, those green eyes huge and haunting. 'If you would just let me explain, Mr Hawkley—' Her voice was throatily soft, her accent distinctly English.'Keep your explanation and just get out of here!' he cut in irritably, his gaze narrowing suddenly as he saw the tray bearing a cafetière and coffee cups on the bedside table. She must have brought it in with her. 'Where's Donald?' he rasped suspiciously.'That's what I was trying to explain,' Rosie answered, with some relief.'You were?' His stance was challenging now, muscles rippling as he folded his arms across his chest.He really was as gorgeous as he looked on screen, Rosie acknowledged slightly breathlessly, and his semi-nakedness made him more immediately so in the intimacy and privacy of his bedroom.But it was also pretty obvious from Joshua Hawkley's comments that he was in complete ignorance of who she was or what she was doing here. That Donald hadn't told his employer that she was even staying here.Joshua Hawkley's aggression was understandable now that she realised he had thought she was an intruder—an over-enthusiastic female fan?—in his home.She shrugged. 'My—er—I don't know if you noticed, but Donald wasn't at all well yesterday when he picked you up from the airport…' She grimaced as Hawk gave a puzzled shake of his head. 'No? Well, this morning he woke up shivering and with a high temperature. I think he probably has the flu,' she finished.Three things became obvious to Hawk from that statement.First, this girl knew exactly who Donald was, and so wasn't an intruder at all.Second, she had come to an abrupt halt after beginning her statement with 'My—'And third, perhaps she didn't need to complete it. She had obviously been around to see what Donald had looked like when he woke up that morning…!In the light of those realisations, Hawk re-evaluated the young woman standing beside his sleep-tousled bed.She looked vaguely familiar to him—as if he should know her… Where had he seen her before? He knew he had never met her.And obviously she was here to see Donald…She had to be in her early twenties—but then Donald was only in his early forties. A twenty-year-odd age difference wasn't an insurmountable barrier.Hawk had never found the need to discuss Donald's private life with him, but he supposed that his assistant must have one. He knew that the older man liked to listen to classical music, and that when their schedule allowed Donald took off to go to live concerts in one part of the world or another.But, despite his cultured t...
ISBN: 0373837275
ISBN13: 9780373837274
Just leave the coffee on the side, Donald, thanks.' Hawk called out from his bathroom to his English factotum, after he'd heard the other man knock on his bedroom door before entering. 'I'll be out in a couple of minutes,' he added, as he continued to towel-dry his hair after taking his morning shower, not expecting an answer; Donald Harrison was efficiency personified, and Hawk congratulated himself once again for having found the man ten years ago.He continued humming to himself as, draping the towel about his shoulders, he took a couple of seconds to contemplate the view from his bathroom window, relishing the blanket of snow that swept across the whole of the foothills towards the Canadian Rockies, which he could see towering majestically in the distance.Home. It was a stark contrast to the warmth he had left behind in Los Angeles yesterday; he'd been able to feel the biting cold as soon as he stepped out at Calgary airport last night. But Hawk had dressed with the Canadian weather in mind, his sheepskin jacket, faded denims and the boots that had seemed so out of place in Los Angeles ideal for the refreshing coldness that he'd known he would find here.He instantly felt part of the impending festive season now that he had the weather to go with it. It was unthinkable for him to even contemplate spending Christmas anywhere else but here. No matter where he was in the world, he always flew back to what had once been the family home for the holidays.His parents now lived in Florida, as the warmth there was much kinder to the arthritis his father suffered after years of working on the land. They would arrive in three days' time at the five acres and house that were all that remained of the family farm. Hawk's younger sister and her husband—the city slicker—would fly in from Vancouver at the weekend, with their two young children.No doubt the scores of female fans who avidly followed the movie career of Joshua Hawkley would find his family Christmas a pretty tame affair, probably imagining him instead to be on some Caribbean island, soaking up the sun on a golden beach and drinking piña coladas with a half-naked female at his side!The half-naked female didn't sound half bad, but the rest of it could take a hike.He turned to study his reflection in the slightly steamed-up mirror over the sink, rubbing the dark stubble on his chin as he debated whether or not to shave. He decided not; he had three more days before the parents arrived to just wind down and relax after all the razzmatazz that had gone along with attending his latest movie premiere last weekend, and not shaving was part of that process.No doubt his mother would have some comment to make about his longer hair, though, he acknowledged ruefully as he looked at the dishevelled damp locks that rested on the broad width of his shoulders. He was due to start filming the long-awaited sequel toThe Pirate Kingnext month, and had grown his dark hair in preparation for the part.If they could find a replacement leading lady, that was. A five months pregnant female pirate captain wouldn't exactly look right, and Hawk's schedule was such that filming couldn't be delayed until after the baby's birth.Oh, well—that was the director Nik Prince's problem, not his. Hawk shrugged dismissively to himself as he strolled through to his bedroom.'Donald, I think I might—who thehellare you?' Hawk rasped. He came to an abrupt halt in the bathroom doorway to stare across the room at the young woman standing in front of the window and drawing back his bedroom curtains.There was no mistaking that she was a woman. Her long red waist-length hair gave that away, flowing down the slen-derness of her spine the colour of rippling fire against a body-hugging black sweater.But even without the hair it was impossible not to recognise that the tall, leggy figure belonged to a female. Her skintight black denims were doing everything they could to prove the point, Hawk saw with a frown.At the same time he knew there shouldn't be a female— tall and leggy or otherwise—within several miles of here!Rosie had turned at the first sound of the unmistakable, sexily husky voice of the actor Joshua Hawkley, taking in a sharp breath as she found herself gazing upon his nakedness.Joshua Hawkley, thirty-five years old, the most sought-after film star in the world for over a decade, was standing in front of her—gorgeously, gloriously and magnificently naked!Her throat felt dry, her lips and tongue numb, as she continued to stare at him with wide green eyes.She had never been the sort of teenager—had never beenallowedto be the sort of teenager!—who'd hung posters of pop and film stars on her bedroom wall. But if she had, this man would definitely have had pride of position!Joshua Hawkley—or simply Hawk to his friends—at a height well over six feet, had a body Adonis would have been envious of: his shoulders were wide and muscular, and dark hair grew on the broadness of his chest and down over the flatness of his stomach to—Wow.Gasp.Whoa!A sudden rush of saliva moistened her throat and mouth as she found it impossible to remove her gaze from his perfect manhood.As if becoming aware of the avidness of her gaze, Hawk moved one hand to casually pull the towel from his shoulders before draping and fastening it about his waist.Rosie blinked, as if waking from a spell, before dragging her eyes back up to his face. Colour warmed her cheeks at the knowing smile curving those sculptured lips in a face that could have—shouldhave—been carved by Michelangelo. A face dominated by cobalt-blue eyes above a long aquiline nose, that lazily smiling mouth and the strongly squared jaw. Long dark hair, damp and dishevelled after his shower, did absolutely nothing to dispel his air of masculine perfection, only adding to his ruggedness.'I have absolutely no idea how you got in here,' Hawk bit out impatiently as the girl continued to stare at him unblink-ingly. 'But I seriously advise you to get yourself out again!' he added, with none of the tolerance he usually felt towards his more enthusiastic female fans.This was his bolt-hole, damn it, and it shouldn't even be public knowledge, let alone accessible to some desperate woman who had got in here because she either wanted to share his bed or use a relationship with him to acquire a movie role!How on earth had she got past Donald?The girl—for she was no more than that, Hawk was sure, despite her height and the fullness of her breasts and those curvaceous hips—moistened the sensual softness of her pouting lips.Her eyes, between lush dark lashes, were a deep, mesmerising green, her nose was small and pert, and covered with a smattering of freckles and her chin was stubbornly pointed in a heart-shaped face. And all of her elfin beauty was surrounded by that long flame of pre-Raphaelite-style hair.At any other time, Hawk knew, he would have found her untamed beauty fascinating. But not when she had invaded the privacy of his home. Not just his home, but his bedroom, for heaven's sake!'If you aren't out of here in two minutes I'll have no choice but to forcibly remove you,' he warned her harshly, and he ran an impatient hand through his tousled hair, his previous good humour having completely evaporated, to be replaced by impatient anger at this girl's intrusion.She moistened her lips a second time before speaking, those green eyes huge and haunting. 'If you would just let me explain, Mr Hawkley—' Her voice was throatily soft, her accent distinctly English.'Keep your explanation and just get out of here!' he cut in irritably, his gaze narrowing suddenly as he saw the tray bearing a cafetière and coffee cups on the bedside table. She must have brought it in with her. 'Where's Donald?' he rasped suspiciously.'That's what I was trying to explain,' Rosie answered, with some relief.'You were?' His stance was challenging now, muscles rippling as he folded his arms across his chest.He really was as gorgeous as he looked on screen, Rosie acknowledged slightly breathlessly, and his semi-nakedness made him more immediately so in the intimacy and privacy of his bedroom.But it was also pretty obvious from Joshua Hawkley's comments that he was in complete ignorance of who she was or what she was doing here. That Donald hadn't told his employer that she was even staying here.Joshua Hawkley's aggression was understandable now that she realised he had thought she was an intruder—an over-enthusiastic female fan?—in his home.She shrugged. 'My—er—I don't know if you noticed, but Donald wasn't at all well yesterday when he picked you up from the airport…' She grimaced as Hawk gave a puzzled shake of his head. 'No? Well, this morning he woke up shivering and with a high temperature. I think he probably has the flu,' she finished.Three things became obvious to Hawk from that statement.First, this girl knew exactly who Donald was, and so wasn't an intruder at all.Second, she had come to an abrupt halt after beginning her statement with 'My—'And third, perhaps she didn't need to complete it. She had obviously been around to see what Donald had looked like when he woke up that morning…!In the light of those realisations, Hawk re-evaluated the young woman standing beside his sleep-tousled bed.She looked vaguely familiar to him—as if he should know her… Where had he seen her before? He knew he had never met her.And obviously she was here to see Donald…She had to be in her early twenties—but then Donald was only in his early forties. A twenty-year-odd age difference wasn't an insurmountable barrier.Hawk had never found the need to discuss Donald's private life with him, but he supposed that his assistant must have one. He knew that the older man liked to listen to classical music, and that when their schedule allowed Donald took off to go to live concerts in one part of the world or another.But, despite his cultured t...

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