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Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents

Paperback |English |0761928189 | 9780761928188

Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents

Paperback |English |0761928189 | 9780761928188
An impressive, deliberate and problem-orientedSecond Edition.Prejudice has no boundaries and spares no one.Preventing Prejudiceoffers hope and resources to all of us, counselors, educators, and parents. We are all agents of change.(Patricia Arredondo, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)Ponterotto and Pedersen’s original book was a primer embraced by professionals and parents alike. It was a call to action, pressing the reader to DO SOMETHING to effect change. The Second Edition, with Utsey as a powerful third voice, is truly a new book. The field has grown, the literature has exploded, yet racial and cultural prejudice still flourish. This new book expands our awareness of the problem. The section on the history and consequences of prejudice is thought-provoking. The introduction of the Multicultural Personality builds on literature from several fields. Finally, the authors prompt the reader to apply this new-found knowledge with age-specific exercises. With this exciting edition in hand there is no excuse to not DO SOMETHING to reduce or prevent prejudice.(Sharon H. Bowman, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition is a unique and refreshing book that tackles two of the most interrelated and problematic issues in our society: prejudice and racism. The first edition was unanimously acclaimed as a major contribution to the field and this second edition is destined to be a classic. It represents one of the most clear, concise and honest looks at the origins, manifestations, dynamics and psychological costs of prejudice and racism written thus far. One of its major strengths is the authors’ ability to relate these topics to everyday life, to speak directly to counselors, educators, and parents in meaningful ways, to ground their concepts in the research and theories of the day, and to give an uplifting message about what can be done to combat these two evils. Toward this end they provide specific suggestions and exercises that can be used by readers to combat their own biases and to help others as well. Educators wishing to help their students begin the process of confronting their own biases, parents who desire to help their children become multicultural citizens of the world, and counselors who wish to become culturally competent will find much in this book. This is truly a superb book that makes a major contribution to the field and should be read by everyone.(Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)The distance between aspiring towards human affirmation on one hand, and legitimate change in the social climate of America on the other, is paved with the road called rhetoric. Like a forbidden relationship, rhetoric promises much but delivers very little. Politicians, educators, mental health professionals, and even parents use rhetoric because if protects our fragile sensibilities and disguises our prejudices, biases, and fears around issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability, and religion.Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,helps to close the gap between those two extremes, and equips us all with a valuable and precious tool for confronting the many prejudices we often find it difficult to engage, let alone admit to ourselves. Beyond rhetoric, this text is an authentic expression and plea that challenges each of us to build alliances across demographic boundaries in order to fight an insidious social disease. Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen succeed in dislodging us from our comfortable categories of intellectual, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual apathy, and invites us to transcend the amount of social disappointment and despair and strive towards a more hopeful and optimistic future.(Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a critical resource book for educators, counselors, and parents to learn more about how to handle prejudice, and should be required reading for all of us who work with diverse populations. I was thrilled to see the second edition, and was most impressed with the authors’ blend of scholarship and practical applications. It is a powerful book that helps us to see that we can make a difference in fighting prejudice. The authors have significantly expanded on the excellent first edition in a practical and nonjudgmental way, and most importantly, provide a concrete and proactive approach to reducing prejudice. The authors hope that by providing individuals with more knowledge and an opportunity to practice prejudice reduction, we can indeed combat prejudice in its many forms. That hope is realized by this excellent book. (Nadya A. Fouad, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)In our culturally diverse society, educational and helping service professionals have a need to understand the complex nature of prejudice and what may contribute to the prevention or maintenance of such beliefs. This book provides invaluable information on the historical and theoretical context for the development of prejudice, and offers key insights to help professionals understand counselor, educator and parental roles in the prevention of prejudice. Furthermore, professionals will find the descriptive information on exercises, measures, and other resources (e.g., books, videos/films, organizations) essential tools in their efforts to educate and sensitize others about the varied ways in which prejudice affects our lives.(Alan W. Burkard, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a tour de force in understanding the harmful effects of prejudice and racism on intergroup relations. Thoroughly researched and comprehensive in scope, this book offers state of the art information on the causes and consequences of racial prejudice. The authors move beyond analysis to offer practical solutions for reducing prejudice. One of the book’s unique contributions to the multicultural literature lies in the authors’ ability to simultaneously address both professional (e.g., educators and counselors) and lay (e.g., parents) audiences. Without a doubt this book is one of the most important resources that advocates for social justice and human rights can own.Preventing Prejudiceshould be required reading for all counselors, educators, and mental health professionals.(Kevin O. Cokley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)I did not think it was possible, but theSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis even better than the first! The authors have blessed us with a volume filled with relevant information about the causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination, along with proactive strategies for reducing and ameliorating prejudice. Not only must individuals who are serious about preventing and eradicating prejudice read this book, but they also should ensure that it is a treasured work in their collection! TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis destined to be on everyone’s all-time top ten list of books in the area of prejudice reduction and social justice action. (Madonna G. Constantine, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is must reading for anyone who is interested in better understanding what they can do to address the complex forms of prejudice, racism, and other forms of cultural oppression that continue to exist in our contemporary society. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have truly produced a masterpiece that highlights many practical strategies counselors, educators, and parents can do to foster a greater level of social justice and mental health in our 21st-century, culturally- and racially-diverse society. If I had to recommend one book for counselors, educators, and parents to read this year that addresses these issues, this would be it!(Michael D’Andrea 2005-11-02)This book is an essential reference for people working in the fields of multiculturalism, counseling, and education. The model of prejudice that this book uses reflects the most recent scholarship on the psychological impact of race and racism. This perspective considers prejudice not as an abhorrent isolated act or tendency, but as an expression of an individual’s level of racial identity in the context of societal racism. This holistic point of view locates the individual within cultural and societal systems of which he or she is a part. Individual prejudice and societal racism are considered together, as are the cost to both to people of color and to Whites (the latter is frequently ignored). One especially valuable feature of this new edition is the emphasis on parents and educators. It opens the book to new audiences, particularly teachers and parents who have tremendous influence on the formation of the next generation. It gives added teeth to the word "preventing" in the title. To the extend that anti-racism education can be made a regular feature of elementary and high school curricula, this book may help a student address very serious issues before they become entrenched in his or her personality. So often, anti-prejudice training is remedial; this book is extraordinary because it truly focuses on prevention. In academia, we frequently lament the gap between theory, research, and practice. These authors suggest that the ideas put forward are in fact amenable to practical application and empirical validation and, in each case, they provide the means to do so.(George V. Gushue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)From the Foreword:Cultural diversity and multiculturalism are not just slogans, they are reality and promise. The first edition of Preventing Prejudice was a bold and important effort to address these complex problems. Its success was heralded by the prestigious award for "Outstanding Book on the Subject of Human Rights in North America." Ponterotto, Utsey and Pedersen took this outstanding work, and expanded and improved on it. Preventing Prejudice is based on theory and research. It is also based on practice and experience, and it is informed by the people it is meant to reach. What do people really think, or know or feel? Are you racist because you are white? Are you immune from racism if you are gay? Doesn’t embracing your ethnic or racial group make you prone to bias against other groups? And, therefore, isn’t advocating racial identity a threat to the very sensitive awareness of others advocated here? Are you better or worse off psychologically if you belong to multiple racial categories? And is there a personality type that supersedes and triumphs over it all? Preventing Prejudice addresses these questions and issues and many more with direct, clear and cogent ideas and instruction. The reader will not just know the answer; she will know what to do about it.(James M. Jones, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have put together a book that has the potential to make an important impact in our world. Representing a dramatic improvement over the award-winning first edition, the authors have written a comprehensive book on prejudice prevention based on current theories and research in psychology and education. Remarkably, although reflecting the highest degrees of scholarship, this book offers easy access to a wide range of audiences including counselors, educators, administrators, and teachers. In deed, this book is a must-read for anyone who is interested in reducing prejudice and all types of -isms (e.g., racism, heterosexism, and sexism) in our world.(Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Readers of the first edition will welcome this extensively revised and expanded volume, especially the attention given to the Multicultural Personality. While retaining its foundation in racial and ethnic identity development, this work equips teachers, counselors and parents with practical skills to be deliberate and intentional in preventing prejudice. Readers with particular interest in biracial, multiracial, and gay/lesbian identity development will find this book especially helpful in addressing concerns relevant to those populations. The section on Instruments and Resources for Prejudice Prevention Work is particularly useful for professionals working in the area of prejudice prevention.(Don. C. Locke, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parentsis a critical reference for those conducting research and training aimed to understand, reduce, and ultimately prevent prejudice. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen provide a careful review of history, definitions, theory, research, and application issues. They also add to the focus on racial and ethnic identity development by integrating theoretical and empirical developments on biracial, multiracial, and lesbian/gay identity development. Furthermore, they provide conceptual definition, elaboration, and operationalization of the concept of multicultural personality. An important and unique feature of the text is its presentation of creative exercises aimed to increase multicultural awareness and reduce prejudice in different age groups. In addition, the authors provide a rich range of resources for research and personal development including books, professional organizations, popular movies, and films as well as selected instruments to measure critical constructs in the study and prevention of prejudice. The broad scholarly scope and applicability of this text is truly impressive (Bonnie Moradi, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This expanded and updated version ofPreventing Prejudiceprovides a wealth of information about the causes, manifestations, and correlates of prejudice as well as practical suggestions for activities aimed at reducing or preventing prejudice. Integrating evidence from a wide variety of sources, it is a valuable resource for both researchers and educators. (Jean S. Phinney, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)At a time in the field when everyone clamors to be included in the discussion about diversity and multiculturalism, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen bring us back to our historical roots in this book. They remind us that to participate in the discourse, discerning the nature of prejudice and racism and its psychological effects on ethnic and racial groups is at our core. And, if we fail in our appreciation of this concept, then our ability to prevent prejudice becomes suspect.(Donald B. Pope-Davis, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This important book is as much about promoting human potential and dignity as it is about preventing prejudice. The ideas presented by Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have implications for the welfare of all oppressed, disenfranchised, and marginalized people. While laying a sound conceptual and research foundation, the authors provide practical exercises and reader-friendliness for a variety of constituents.(Charles R. Ridley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)More than a decade since the publication of the first edition ofPreventing Prejudice,Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen give a much needed fresh look at the complexities of prejudice that continue to plague our society. Their book highlights hands-on remedies for counselors, educators, and parents. The text provides outstanding activities and instruction on creating contexts for change. This book is a MUST READ!(Lisa A. Suzuki, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudiceis a must read for anyone dealing with racism and monoculturalism in today’s society. Theoretically based with relevant and masterful practical application, the authors provide teachers, parents, researchers and practitioners the necessary tools to understand and fight prejudice. I especially like the application to parents in working with their children around issues of racism and prejudice.(Daniel T. Sciarra, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is a courageous landmark book, in which nationally and internationally known authors have taken on a daunting challenge to combat the Hydra of Prejudice that raises its ugly heads in insidious ways in many painful "-isms." In this definitive and monumental textbook on prejudice, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance their manifesto of social justice, racial equities, and human rights through proactive approaches. At the cusp of the new millennium, when problems of color and culture lines are still causing a pervasive and destructive American Dilemma resulting in interracial hate, fears, violence, and people’s abuse, this book is a much needed and welcome addition to the field of helping professions. Through their 'tour de force' of prejudice and quintessential concepts of multicultural scholarship, these authors have created a compendium of tools, and a constellation of practical and concrete strategies that are designed to intervene and prevent the scourge of prejudice. In Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents,Second Edition,the authors have presented their new ideas on how to combat and prevent prejudice through a most impressive, persuasive, and systematic manner, written with rare lucidity, grace, and stunning clarity. It also demonstrates tremendous depth, perception, and insight into the issues relating to prejudice and its multiple related problems. This second edition has been expanded to include many new constructs of paramount importance from the multicultural personality, leading models of identity development, and African-Centered Psychology.Preventing Prejudicereflects a happy blending of didactic and experiential exercises. Inclusiveness and comprehensiveness are the hallmarks of this book. It is rich in detail and in many ways it is original, profound and provocative and destined to become one of the classic books and shining stars in the galaxy of multicultural counseling. This is superb, comprehensive, and an indispensable book both for the novice and the experienced mental health professionals. It will become a desk reference for many clinicians working with multicultural populations to provide fascinating insights and enlarge their understanding about the Hydra of Prejudice. (Daya Singh Sandhu, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)"The breadth of this book is remarkable, and the authors clearly took on a daunting task to pull such a considerable range of topics into one book. As an overview of simply the scope of this social issue as well as the translation of theory into practice, Preventing Prejudice is exemplary. Adding this book to the curriculum for upper level students will clearly bring these issues to the forefront."(Sherri P. PatakiContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books2006-09-26)"They [the authors] have greatly expanded the examples of exercises and activities for increasing multiracial awareness and sensitivity into four chapters for elementary and middle schools, high schools, the college campus, and the wider community. Advice for parents has also been expanded, bringing the books focus beyond the first edition's emphasis on the roles of teachers and counselors."(Reference & Research Book News 2006-10-10)
ISBN: 0761928189
ISBN13: 9780761928188
Author: Joseph G. Ponterotto, Shawn O. Utsey, Paul B. Pedersen
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc
Format: Paperback
PublicationDate: 2006-03-28
Language: English
Edition: 2nd
PageCount: 392
Dimensions: 6.0 x 0.88 x 9.0 inches
Weight: 17.92 ounces
An impressive, deliberate and problem-orientedSecond Edition.Prejudice has no boundaries and spares no one.Preventing Prejudiceoffers hope and resources to all of us, counselors, educators, and parents. We are all agents of change.(Patricia Arredondo, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)Ponterotto and Pedersen’s original book was a primer embraced by professionals and parents alike. It was a call to action, pressing the reader to DO SOMETHING to effect change. The Second Edition, with Utsey as a powerful third voice, is truly a new book. The field has grown, the literature has exploded, yet racial and cultural prejudice still flourish. This new book expands our awareness of the problem. The section on the history and consequences of prejudice is thought-provoking. The introduction of the Multicultural Personality builds on literature from several fields. Finally, the authors prompt the reader to apply this new-found knowledge with age-specific exercises. With this exciting edition in hand there is no excuse to not DO SOMETHING to reduce or prevent prejudice.(Sharon H. Bowman, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition is a unique and refreshing book that tackles two of the most interrelated and problematic issues in our society: prejudice and racism. The first edition was unanimously acclaimed as a major contribution to the field and this second edition is destined to be a classic. It represents one of the most clear, concise and honest looks at the origins, manifestations, dynamics and psychological costs of prejudice and racism written thus far. One of its major strengths is the authors’ ability to relate these topics to everyday life, to speak directly to counselors, educators, and parents in meaningful ways, to ground their concepts in the research and theories of the day, and to give an uplifting message about what can be done to combat these two evils. Toward this end they provide specific suggestions and exercises that can be used by readers to combat their own biases and to help others as well. Educators wishing to help their students begin the process of confronting their own biases, parents who desire to help their children become multicultural citizens of the world, and counselors who wish to become culturally competent will find much in this book. This is truly a superb book that makes a major contribution to the field and should be read by everyone.(Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)The distance between aspiring towards human affirmation on one hand, and legitimate change in the social climate of America on the other, is paved with the road called rhetoric. Like a forbidden relationship, rhetoric promises much but delivers very little. Politicians, educators, mental health professionals, and even parents use rhetoric because if protects our fragile sensibilities and disguises our prejudices, biases, and fears around issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability, and religion.Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,helps to close the gap between those two extremes, and equips us all with a valuable and precious tool for confronting the many prejudices we often find it difficult to engage, let alone admit to ourselves. Beyond rhetoric, this text is an authentic expression and plea that challenges each of us to build alliances across demographic boundaries in order to fight an insidious social disease. Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen succeed in dislodging us from our comfortable categories of intellectual, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual apathy, and invites us to transcend the amount of social disappointment and despair and strive towards a more hopeful and optimistic future.(Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a critical resource book for educators, counselors, and parents to learn more about how to handle prejudice, and should be required reading for all of us who work with diverse populations. I was thrilled to see the second edition, and was most impressed with the authors’ blend of scholarship and practical applications. It is a powerful book that helps us to see that we can make a difference in fighting prejudice. The authors have significantly expanded on the excellent first edition in a practical and nonjudgmental way, and most importantly, provide a concrete and proactive approach to reducing prejudice. The authors hope that by providing individuals with more knowledge and an opportunity to practice prejudice reduction, we can indeed combat prejudice in its many forms. That hope is realized by this excellent book. (Nadya A. Fouad, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)In our culturally diverse society, educational and helping service professionals have a need to understand the complex nature of prejudice and what may contribute to the prevention or maintenance of such beliefs. This book provides invaluable information on the historical and theoretical context for the development of prejudice, and offers key insights to help professionals understand counselor, educator and parental roles in the prevention of prejudice. Furthermore, professionals will find the descriptive information on exercises, measures, and other resources (e.g., books, videos/films, organizations) essential tools in their efforts to educate and sensitize others about the varied ways in which prejudice affects our lives.(Alan W. Burkard, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a tour de force in understanding the harmful effects of prejudice and racism on intergroup relations. Thoroughly researched and comprehensive in scope, this book offers state of the art information on the causes and consequences of racial prejudice. The authors move beyond analysis to offer practical solutions for reducing prejudice. One of the book’s unique contributions to the multicultural literature lies in the authors’ ability to simultaneously address both professional (e.g., educators and counselors) and lay (e.g., parents) audiences. Without a doubt this book is one of the most important resources that advocates for social justice and human rights can own.Preventing Prejudiceshould be required reading for all counselors, educators, and mental health professionals.(Kevin O. Cokley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)I did not think it was possible, but theSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis even better than the first! The authors have blessed us with a volume filled with relevant information about the causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination, along with proactive strategies for reducing and ameliorating prejudice. Not only must individuals who are serious about preventing and eradicating prejudice read this book, but they also should ensure that it is a treasured work in their collection! TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis destined to be on everyone’s all-time top ten list of books in the area of prejudice reduction and social justice action. (Madonna G. Constantine, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is must reading for anyone who is interested in better understanding what they can do to address the complex forms of prejudice, racism, and other forms of cultural oppression that continue to exist in our contemporary society. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have truly produced a masterpiece that highlights many practical strategies counselors, educators, and parents can do to foster a greater level of social justice and mental health in our 21st-century, culturally- and racially-diverse society. If I had to recommend one book for counselors, educators, and parents to read this year that addresses these issues, this would be it!(Michael D’Andrea 2005-11-02)This book is an essential reference for people working in the fields of multiculturalism, counseling, and education. The model of prejudice that this book uses reflects the most recent scholarship on the psychological impact of race and racism. This perspective considers prejudice not as an abhorrent isolated act or tendency, but as an expression of an individual’s level of racial identity in the context of societal racism. This holistic point of view locates the individual within cultural and societal systems of which he or she is a part. Individual prejudice and societal racism are considered together, as are the cost to both to people of color and to Whites (the latter is frequently ignored). One especially valuable feature of this new edition is the emphasis on parents and educators. It opens the book to new audiences, particularly teachers and parents who have tremendous influence on the formation of the next generation. It gives added teeth to the word "preventing" in the title. To the extend that anti-racism education can be made a regular feature of elementary and high school curricula, this book may help a student address very serious issues before they become entrenched in his or her personality. So often, anti-prejudice training is remedial; this book is extraordinary because it truly focuses on prevention. In academia, we frequently lament the gap between theory, research, and practice. These authors suggest that the ideas put forward are in fact amenable to practical application and empirical validation and, in each case, they provide the means to do so.(George V. Gushue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)From the Foreword:Cultural diversity and multiculturalism are not just slogans, they are reality and promise. The first edition of Preventing Prejudice was a bold and important effort to address these complex problems. Its success was heralded by the prestigious award for "Outstanding Book on the Subject of Human Rights in North America." Ponterotto, Utsey and Pedersen took this outstanding work, and expanded and improved on it. Preventing Prejudice is based on theory and research. It is also based on practice and experience, and it is informed by the people it is meant to reach. What do people really think, or know or feel? Are you racist because you are white? Are you immune from racism if you are gay? Doesn’t embracing your ethnic or racial group make you prone to bias against other groups? And, therefore, isn’t advocating racial identity a threat to the very sensitive awareness of others advocated here? Are you better or worse off psychologically if you belong to multiple racial categories? And is there a personality type that supersedes and triumphs over it all? Preventing Prejudice addresses these questions and issues and many more with direct, clear and cogent ideas and instruction. The reader will not just know the answer; she will know what to do about it.(James M. Jones, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have put together a book that has the potential to make an important impact in our world. Representing a dramatic improvement over the award-winning first edition, the authors have written a comprehensive book on prejudice prevention based on current theories and research in psychology and education. Remarkably, although reflecting the highest degrees of scholarship, this book offers easy access to a wide range of audiences including counselors, educators, administrators, and teachers. In deed, this book is a must-read for anyone who is interested in reducing prejudice and all types of -isms (e.g., racism, heterosexism, and sexism) in our world.(Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Readers of the first edition will welcome this extensively revised and expanded volume, especially the attention given to the Multicultural Personality. While retaining its foundation in racial and ethnic identity development, this work equips teachers, counselors and parents with practical skills to be deliberate and intentional in preventing prejudice. Readers with particular interest in biracial, multiracial, and gay/lesbian identity development will find this book especially helpful in addressing concerns relevant to those populations. The section on Instruments and Resources for Prejudice Prevention Work is particularly useful for professionals working in the area of prejudice prevention.(Don. C. Locke, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parentsis a critical reference for those conducting research and training aimed to understand, reduce, and ultimately prevent prejudice. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen provide a careful review of history, definitions, theory, research, and application issues. They also add to the focus on racial and ethnic identity development by integrating theoretical and empirical developments on biracial, multiracial, and lesbian/gay identity development. Furthermore, they provide conceptual definition, elaboration, and operationalization of the concept of multicultural personality. An important and unique feature of the text is its presentation of creative exercises aimed to increase multicultural awareness and reduce prejudice in different age groups. In addition, the authors provide a rich range of resources for research and personal development including books, professional organizations, popular movies, and films as well as selected instruments to measure critical constructs in the study and prevention of prejudice. The broad scholarly scope and applicability of this text is truly impressive (Bonnie Moradi, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This expanded and updated version ofPreventing Prejudiceprovides a wealth of information about the causes, manifestations, and correlates of prejudice as well as practical suggestions for activities aimed at reducing or preventing prejudice. Integrating evidence from a wide variety of sources, it is a valuable resource for both researchers and educators. (Jean S. Phinney, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)At a time in the field when everyone clamors to be included in the discussion about diversity and multiculturalism, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen bring us back to our historical roots in this book. They remind us that to participate in the discourse, discerning the nature of prejudice and racism and its psychological effects on ethnic and racial groups is at our core. And, if we fail in our appreciation of this concept, then our ability to prevent prejudice becomes suspect.(Donald B. Pope-Davis, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This important book is as much about promoting human potential and dignity as it is about preventing prejudice. The ideas presented by Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have implications for the welfare of all oppressed, disenfranchised, and marginalized people. While laying a sound conceptual and research foundation, the authors provide practical exercises and reader-friendliness for a variety of constituents.(Charles R. Ridley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)More than a decade since the publication of the first edition ofPreventing Prejudice,Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen give a much needed fresh look at the complexities of prejudice that continue to plague our society. Their book highlights hands-on remedies for counselors, educators, and parents. The text provides outstanding activities and instruction on creating contexts for change. This book is a MUST READ!(Lisa A. Suzuki, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudiceis a must read for anyone dealing with racism and monoculturalism in today’s society. Theoretically based with relevant and masterful practical application, the authors provide teachers, parents, researchers and practitioners the necessary tools to understand and fight prejudice. I especially like the application to parents in working with their children around issues of racism and prejudice.(Daniel T. Sciarra, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is a courageous landmark book, in which nationally and internationally known authors have taken on a daunting challenge to combat the Hydra of Prejudice that raises its ugly heads in insidious ways in many painful "-isms." In this definitive and monumental textbook on prejudice, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance their manifesto of social justice, racial equities, and human rights through proactive approaches. At the cusp of the new millennium, when problems of color and culture lines are still causing a pervasive and destructive American Dilemma resulting in interracial hate, fears, violence, and people’s abuse, this book is a much needed and welcome addition to the field of helping professions. Through their 'tour de force' of prejudice and quintessential concepts of multicultural scholarship, these authors have created a compendium of tools, and a constellation of practical and concrete strategies that are designed to intervene and prevent the scourge of prejudice. In Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents,Second Edition,the authors have presented their new ideas on how to combat and prevent prejudice through a most impressive, persuasive, and systematic manner, written with rare lucidity, grace, and stunning clarity. It also demonstrates tremendous depth, perception, and insight into the issues relating to prejudice and its multiple related problems. This second edition has been expanded to include many new constructs of paramount importance from the multicultural personality, leading models of identity development, and African-Centered Psychology.Preventing Prejudicereflects a happy blending of didactic and experiential exercises. Inclusiveness and comprehensiveness are the hallmarks of this book. It is rich in detail and in many ways it is original, profound and provocative and destined to become one of the classic books and shining stars in the galaxy of multicultural counseling. This is superb, comprehensive, and an indispensable book both for the novice and the experienced mental health professionals. It will become a desk reference for many clinicians working with multicultural populations to provide fascinating insights and enlarge their understanding about the Hydra of Prejudice. (Daya Singh Sandhu, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)"The breadth of this book is remarkable, and the authors clearly took on a daunting task to pull such a considerable range of topics into one book. As an overview of simply the scope of this social issue as well as the translation of theory into practice, Preventing Prejudice is exemplary. Adding this book to the curriculum for upper level students will clearly bring these issues to the forefront."(Sherri P. PatakiContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books2006-09-26)"They [the authors] have greatly expanded the examples of exercises and activities for increasing multiracial awareness and sensitivity into four chapters for elementary and middle schools, high schools, the college campus, and the wider community. Advice for parents has also been expanded, bringing the books focus beyond the first edition's emphasis on the roles of teachers and counselors."(Reference & Research Book News 2006-10-10)

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An impressive, deliberate and problem-orientedSecond Edition.Prejudice has no boundaries and spares no one.Preventing Prejudiceoffers hope and resources to all of us, counselors, educators, and parents. We are all agents of change.(Patricia Arredondo, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)Ponterotto and Pedersen’s original book was a primer embraced by professionals and parents alike. It was a call to action, pressing the reader to DO SOMETHING to effect change. The Second Edition, with Utsey as a powerful third voice, is truly a new book. The field has grown, the literature has exploded, yet racial and cultural prejudice still flourish. This new book expands our awareness of the problem. The section on the history and consequences of prejudice is thought-provoking. The introduction of the Multicultural Personality builds on literature from several fields. Finally, the authors prompt the reader to apply this new-found knowledge with age-specific exercises. With this exciting edition in hand there is no excuse to not DO SOMETHING to reduce or prevent prejudice.(Sharon H. Bowman, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition is a unique and refreshing book that tackles two of the most interrelated and problematic issues in our society: prejudice and racism. The first edition was unanimously acclaimed as a major contribution to the field and this second edition is destined to be a classic. It represents one of the most clear, concise and honest looks at the origins, manifestations, dynamics and psychological costs of prejudice and racism written thus far. One of its major strengths is the authors’ ability to relate these topics to everyday life, to speak directly to counselors, educators, and parents in meaningful ways, to ground their concepts in the research and theories of the day, and to give an uplifting message about what can be done to combat these two evils. Toward this end they provide specific suggestions and exercises that can be used by readers to combat their own biases and to help others as well. Educators wishing to help their students begin the process of confronting their own biases, parents who desire to help their children become multicultural citizens of the world, and counselors who wish to become culturally competent will find much in this book. This is truly a superb book that makes a major contribution to the field and should be read by everyone.(Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)The distance between aspiring towards human affirmation on one hand, and legitimate change in the social climate of America on the other, is paved with the road called rhetoric. Like a forbidden relationship, rhetoric promises much but delivers very little. Politicians, educators, mental health professionals, and even parents use rhetoric because if protects our fragile sensibilities and disguises our prejudices, biases, and fears around issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability, and religion.Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,helps to close the gap between those two extremes, and equips us all with a valuable and precious tool for confronting the many prejudices we often find it difficult to engage, let alone admit to ourselves. Beyond rhetoric, this text is an authentic expression and plea that challenges each of us to build alliances across demographic boundaries in order to fight an insidious social disease. Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen succeed in dislodging us from our comfortable categories of intellectual, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual apathy, and invites us to transcend the amount of social disappointment and despair and strive towards a more hopeful and optimistic future.(Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a critical resource book for educators, counselors, and parents to learn more about how to handle prejudice, and should be required reading for all of us who work with diverse populations. I was thrilled to see the second edition, and was most impressed with the authors’ blend of scholarship and practical applications. It is a powerful book that helps us to see that we can make a difference in fighting prejudice. The authors have significantly expanded on the excellent first edition in a practical and nonjudgmental way, and most importantly, provide a concrete and proactive approach to reducing prejudice. The authors hope that by providing individuals with more knowledge and an opportunity to practice prejudice reduction, we can indeed combat prejudice in its many forms. That hope is realized by this excellent book. (Nadya A. Fouad, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)In our culturally diverse society, educational and helping service professionals have a need to understand the complex nature of prejudice and what may contribute to the prevention or maintenance of such beliefs. This book provides invaluable information on the historical and theoretical context for the development of prejudice, and offers key insights to help professionals understand counselor, educator and parental roles in the prevention of prejudice. Furthermore, professionals will find the descriptive information on exercises, measures, and other resources (e.g., books, videos/films, organizations) essential tools in their efforts to educate and sensitize others about the varied ways in which prejudice affects our lives.(Alan W. Burkard, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a tour de force in understanding the harmful effects of prejudice and racism on intergroup relations. Thoroughly researched and comprehensive in scope, this book offers state of the art information on the causes and consequences of racial prejudice. The authors move beyond analysis to offer practical solutions for reducing prejudice. One of the book’s unique contributions to the multicultural literature lies in the authors’ ability to simultaneously address both professional (e.g., educators and counselors) and lay (e.g., parents) audiences. Without a doubt this book is one of the most important resources that advocates for social justice and human rights can own.Preventing Prejudiceshould be required reading for all counselors, educators, and mental health professionals.(Kevin O. Cokley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)I did not think it was possible, but theSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis even better than the first! The authors have blessed us with a volume filled with relevant information about the causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination, along with proactive strategies for reducing and ameliorating prejudice. Not only must individuals who are serious about preventing and eradicating prejudice read this book, but they also should ensure that it is a treasured work in their collection! TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis destined to be on everyone’s all-time top ten list of books in the area of prejudice reduction and social justice action. (Madonna G. Constantine, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is must reading for anyone who is interested in better understanding what they can do to address the complex forms of prejudice, racism, and other forms of cultural oppression that continue to exist in our contemporary society. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have truly produced a masterpiece that highlights many practical strategies counselors, educators, and parents can do to foster a greater level of social justice and mental health in our 21st-century, culturally- and racially-diverse society. If I had to recommend one book for counselors, educators, and parents to read this year that addresses these issues, this would be it!(Michael D’Andrea 2005-11-02)This book is an essential reference for people working in the fields of multiculturalism, counseling, and education. The model of prejudice that this book uses reflects the most recent scholarship on the psychological impact of race and racism. This perspective considers prejudice not as an abhorrent isolated act or tendency, but as an expression of an individual’s level of racial identity in the context of societal racism. This holistic point of view locates the individual within cultural and societal systems of which he or she is a part. Individual prejudice and societal racism are considered together, as are the cost to both to people of color and to Whites (the latter is frequently ignored). One especially valuable feature of this new edition is the emphasis on parents and educators. It opens the book to new audiences, particularly teachers and parents who have tremendous influence on the formation of the next generation. It gives added teeth to the word "preventing" in the title. To the extend that anti-racism education can be made a regular feature of elementary and high school curricula, this book may help a student address very serious issues before they become entrenched in his or her personality. So often, anti-prejudice training is remedial; this book is extraordinary because it truly focuses on prevention. In academia, we frequently lament the gap between theory, research, and practice. These authors suggest that the ideas put forward are in fact amenable to practical application and empirical validation and, in each case, they provide the means to do so.(George V. Gushue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)From the Foreword:Cultural diversity and multiculturalism are not just slogans, they are reality and promise. The first edition of Preventing Prejudice was a bold and important effort to address these complex problems. Its success was heralded by the prestigious award for "Outstanding Book on the Subject of Human Rights in North America." Ponterotto, Utsey and Pedersen took this outstanding work, and expanded and improved on it. Preventing Prejudice is based on theory and research. It is also based on practice and experience, and it is informed by the people it is meant to reach. What do people really think, or know or feel? Are you racist because you are white? Are you immune from racism if you are gay? Doesn’t embracing your ethnic or racial group make you prone to bias against other groups? And, therefore, isn’t advocating racial identity a threat to the very sensitive awareness of others advocated here? Are you better or worse off psychologically if you belong to multiple racial categories? And is there a personality type that supersedes and triumphs over it all? Preventing Prejudice addresses these questions and issues and many more with direct, clear and cogent ideas and instruction. The reader will not just know the answer; she will know what to do about it.(James M. Jones, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have put together a book that has the potential to make an important impact in our world. Representing a dramatic improvement over the award-winning first edition, the authors have written a comprehensive book on prejudice prevention based on current theories and research in psychology and education. Remarkably, although reflecting the highest degrees of scholarship, this book offers easy access to a wide range of audiences including counselors, educators, administrators, and teachers. In deed, this book is a must-read for anyone who is interested in reducing prejudice and all types of -isms (e.g., racism, heterosexism, and sexism) in our world.(Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Readers of the first edition will welcome this extensively revised and expanded volume, especially the attention given to the Multicultural Personality. While retaining its foundation in racial and ethnic identity development, this work equips teachers, counselors and parents with practical skills to be deliberate and intentional in preventing prejudice. Readers with particular interest in biracial, multiracial, and gay/lesbian identity development will find this book especially helpful in addressing concerns relevant to those populations. The section on Instruments and Resources for Prejudice Prevention Work is particularly useful for professionals working in the area of prejudice prevention.(Don. C. Locke, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parentsis a critical reference for those conducting research and training aimed to understand, reduce, and ultimately prevent prejudice. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen provide a careful review of history, definitions, theory, research, and application issues. They also add to the focus on racial and ethnic identity development by integrating theoretical and empirical developments on biracial, multiracial, and lesbian/gay identity development. Furthermore, they provide conceptual definition, elaboration, and operationalization of the concept of multicultural personality. An important and unique feature of the text is its presentation of creative exercises aimed to increase multicultural awareness and reduce prejudice in different age groups. In addition, the authors provide a rich range of resources for research and personal development including books, professional organizations, popular movies, and films as well as selected instruments to measure critical constructs in the study and prevention of prejudice. The broad scholarly scope and applicability of this text is truly impressive (Bonnie Moradi, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This expanded and updated version ofPreventing Prejudiceprovides a wealth of information about the causes, manifestations, and correlates of prejudice as well as practical suggestions for activities aimed at reducing or preventing prejudice. Integrating evidence from a wide variety of sources, it is a valuable resource for both researchers and educators. (Jean S. Phinney, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)At a time in the field when everyone clamors to be included in the discussion about diversity and multiculturalism, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen bring us back to our historical roots in this book. They remind us that to participate in the discourse, discerning the nature of prejudice and racism and its psychological effects on ethnic and racial groups is at our core. And, if we fail in our appreciation of this concept, then our ability to prevent prejudice becomes suspect.(Donald B. Pope-Davis, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This important book is as much about promoting human potential and dignity as it is about preventing prejudice. The ideas presented by Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have implications for the welfare of all oppressed, disenfranchised, and marginalized people. While laying a sound conceptual and research foundation, the authors provide practical exercises and reader-friendliness for a variety of constituents.(Charles R. Ridley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)More than a decade since the publication of the first edition ofPreventing Prejudice,Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen give a much needed fresh look at the complexities of prejudice that continue to plague our society. Their book highlights hands-on remedies for counselors, educators, and parents. The text provides outstanding activities and instruction on creating contexts for change. This book is a MUST READ!(Lisa A. Suzuki, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudiceis a must read for anyone dealing with racism and monoculturalism in today’s society. Theoretically based with relevant and masterful practical application, the authors provide teachers, parents, researchers and practitioners the necessary tools to understand and fight prejudice. I especially like the application to parents in working with their children around issues of racism and prejudice.(Daniel T. Sciarra, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is a courageous landmark book, in which nationally and internationally known authors have taken on a daunting challenge to combat the Hydra of Prejudice that raises its ugly heads in insidious ways in many painful "-isms." In this definitive and monumental textbook on prejudice, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance their manifesto of social justice, racial equities, and human rights through proactive approaches. At the cusp of the new millennium, when problems of color and culture lines are still causing a pervasive and destructive American Dilemma resulting in interracial hate, fears, violence, and people’s abuse, this book is a much needed and welcome addition to the field of helping professions. Through their 'tour de force' of prejudice and quintessential concepts of multicultural scholarship, these authors have created a compendium of tools, and a constellation of practical and concrete strategies that are designed to intervene and prevent the scourge of prejudice. In Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents,Second Edition,the authors have presented their new ideas on how to combat and prevent prejudice through a most impressive, persuasive, and systematic manner, written with rare lucidity, grace, and stunning clarity. It also demonstrates tremendous depth, perception, and insight into the issues relating to prejudice and its multiple related problems. This second edition has been expanded to include many new constructs of paramount importance from the multicultural personality, leading models of identity development, and African-Centered Psychology.Preventing Prejudicereflects a happy blending of didactic and experiential exercises. Inclusiveness and comprehensiveness are the hallmarks of this book. It is rich in detail and in many ways it is original, profound and provocative and destined to become one of the classic books and shining stars in the galaxy of multicultural counseling. This is superb, comprehensive, and an indispensable book both for the novice and the experienced mental health professionals. It will become a desk reference for many clinicians working with multicultural populations to provide fascinating insights and enlarge their understanding about the Hydra of Prejudice. (Daya Singh Sandhu, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)"The breadth of this book is remarkable, and the authors clearly took on a daunting task to pull such a considerable range of topics into one book. As an overview of simply the scope of this social issue as well as the translation of theory into practice, Preventing Prejudice is exemplary. Adding this book to the curriculum for upper level students will clearly bring these issues to the forefront."(Sherri P. PatakiContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books2006-09-26)"They [the authors] have greatly expanded the examples of exercises and activities for increasing multiracial awareness and sensitivity into four chapters for elementary and middle schools, high schools, the college campus, and the wider community. Advice for parents has also been expanded, bringing the books focus beyond the first edition's emphasis on the roles of teachers and counselors."(Reference & Research Book News 2006-10-10)
ISBN: 0761928189
ISBN13: 9780761928188
Author: Joseph G. Ponterotto, Shawn O. Utsey, Paul B. Pedersen
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc
Format: Paperback
PublicationDate: 2006-03-28
Language: English
Edition: 2nd
PageCount: 392
Dimensions: 6.0 x 0.88 x 9.0 inches
Weight: 17.92 ounces
An impressive, deliberate and problem-orientedSecond Edition.Prejudice has no boundaries and spares no one.Preventing Prejudiceoffers hope and resources to all of us, counselors, educators, and parents. We are all agents of change.(Patricia Arredondo, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)Ponterotto and Pedersen’s original book was a primer embraced by professionals and parents alike. It was a call to action, pressing the reader to DO SOMETHING to effect change. The Second Edition, with Utsey as a powerful third voice, is truly a new book. The field has grown, the literature has exploded, yet racial and cultural prejudice still flourish. This new book expands our awareness of the problem. The section on the history and consequences of prejudice is thought-provoking. The introduction of the Multicultural Personality builds on literature from several fields. Finally, the authors prompt the reader to apply this new-found knowledge with age-specific exercises. With this exciting edition in hand there is no excuse to not DO SOMETHING to reduce or prevent prejudice.(Sharon H. Bowman, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition is a unique and refreshing book that tackles two of the most interrelated and problematic issues in our society: prejudice and racism. The first edition was unanimously acclaimed as a major contribution to the field and this second edition is destined to be a classic. It represents one of the most clear, concise and honest looks at the origins, manifestations, dynamics and psychological costs of prejudice and racism written thus far. One of its major strengths is the authors’ ability to relate these topics to everyday life, to speak directly to counselors, educators, and parents in meaningful ways, to ground their concepts in the research and theories of the day, and to give an uplifting message about what can be done to combat these two evils. Toward this end they provide specific suggestions and exercises that can be used by readers to combat their own biases and to help others as well. Educators wishing to help their students begin the process of confronting their own biases, parents who desire to help their children become multicultural citizens of the world, and counselors who wish to become culturally competent will find much in this book. This is truly a superb book that makes a major contribution to the field and should be read by everyone.(Derald Wing Sue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)The distance between aspiring towards human affirmation on one hand, and legitimate change in the social climate of America on the other, is paved with the road called rhetoric. Like a forbidden relationship, rhetoric promises much but delivers very little. Politicians, educators, mental health professionals, and even parents use rhetoric because if protects our fragile sensibilities and disguises our prejudices, biases, and fears around issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, disability, and religion.Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,helps to close the gap between those two extremes, and equips us all with a valuable and precious tool for confronting the many prejudices we often find it difficult to engage, let alone admit to ourselves. Beyond rhetoric, this text is an authentic expression and plea that challenges each of us to build alliances across demographic boundaries in order to fight an insidious social disease. Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen succeed in dislodging us from our comfortable categories of intellectual, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual apathy, and invites us to transcend the amount of social disappointment and despair and strive towards a more hopeful and optimistic future.(Thomas A. Parham, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a critical resource book for educators, counselors, and parents to learn more about how to handle prejudice, and should be required reading for all of us who work with diverse populations. I was thrilled to see the second edition, and was most impressed with the authors’ blend of scholarship and practical applications. It is a powerful book that helps us to see that we can make a difference in fighting prejudice. The authors have significantly expanded on the excellent first edition in a practical and nonjudgmental way, and most importantly, provide a concrete and proactive approach to reducing prejudice. The authors hope that by providing individuals with more knowledge and an opportunity to practice prejudice reduction, we can indeed combat prejudice in its many forms. That hope is realized by this excellent book. (Nadya A. Fouad, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)In our culturally diverse society, educational and helping service professionals have a need to understand the complex nature of prejudice and what may contribute to the prevention or maintenance of such beliefs. This book provides invaluable information on the historical and theoretical context for the development of prejudice, and offers key insights to help professionals understand counselor, educator and parental roles in the prevention of prejudice. Furthermore, professionals will find the descriptive information on exercises, measures, and other resources (e.g., books, videos/films, organizations) essential tools in their efforts to educate and sensitize others about the varied ways in which prejudice affects our lives.(Alan W. Burkard, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice, Second Edition, is a tour de force in understanding the harmful effects of prejudice and racism on intergroup relations. Thoroughly researched and comprehensive in scope, this book offers state of the art information on the causes and consequences of racial prejudice. The authors move beyond analysis to offer practical solutions for reducing prejudice. One of the book’s unique contributions to the multicultural literature lies in the authors’ ability to simultaneously address both professional (e.g., educators and counselors) and lay (e.g., parents) audiences. Without a doubt this book is one of the most important resources that advocates for social justice and human rights can own.Preventing Prejudiceshould be required reading for all counselors, educators, and mental health professionals.(Kevin O. Cokley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)I did not think it was possible, but theSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis even better than the first! The authors have blessed us with a volume filled with relevant information about the causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination, along with proactive strategies for reducing and ameliorating prejudice. Not only must individuals who are serious about preventing and eradicating prejudice read this book, but they also should ensure that it is a treasured work in their collection! TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudiceis destined to be on everyone’s all-time top ten list of books in the area of prejudice reduction and social justice action. (Madonna G. Constantine, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is must reading for anyone who is interested in better understanding what they can do to address the complex forms of prejudice, racism, and other forms of cultural oppression that continue to exist in our contemporary society. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have truly produced a masterpiece that highlights many practical strategies counselors, educators, and parents can do to foster a greater level of social justice and mental health in our 21st-century, culturally- and racially-diverse society. If I had to recommend one book for counselors, educators, and parents to read this year that addresses these issues, this would be it!(Michael D’Andrea 2005-11-02)This book is an essential reference for people working in the fields of multiculturalism, counseling, and education. The model of prejudice that this book uses reflects the most recent scholarship on the psychological impact of race and racism. This perspective considers prejudice not as an abhorrent isolated act or tendency, but as an expression of an individual’s level of racial identity in the context of societal racism. This holistic point of view locates the individual within cultural and societal systems of which he or she is a part. Individual prejudice and societal racism are considered together, as are the cost to both to people of color and to Whites (the latter is frequently ignored). One especially valuable feature of this new edition is the emphasis on parents and educators. It opens the book to new audiences, particularly teachers and parents who have tremendous influence on the formation of the next generation. It gives added teeth to the word "preventing" in the title. To the extend that anti-racism education can be made a regular feature of elementary and high school curricula, this book may help a student address very serious issues before they become entrenched in his or her personality. So often, anti-prejudice training is remedial; this book is extraordinary because it truly focuses on prevention. In academia, we frequently lament the gap between theory, research, and practice. These authors suggest that the ideas put forward are in fact amenable to practical application and empirical validation and, in each case, they provide the means to do so.(George V. Gushue, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)From the Foreword:Cultural diversity and multiculturalism are not just slogans, they are reality and promise. The first edition of Preventing Prejudice was a bold and important effort to address these complex problems. Its success was heralded by the prestigious award for "Outstanding Book on the Subject of Human Rights in North America." Ponterotto, Utsey and Pedersen took this outstanding work, and expanded and improved on it. Preventing Prejudice is based on theory and research. It is also based on practice and experience, and it is informed by the people it is meant to reach. What do people really think, or know or feel? Are you racist because you are white? Are you immune from racism if you are gay? Doesn’t embracing your ethnic or racial group make you prone to bias against other groups? And, therefore, isn’t advocating racial identity a threat to the very sensitive awareness of others advocated here? Are you better or worse off psychologically if you belong to multiple racial categories? And is there a personality type that supersedes and triumphs over it all? Preventing Prejudice addresses these questions and issues and many more with direct, clear and cogent ideas and instruction. The reader will not just know the answer; she will know what to do about it.(James M. Jones, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have put together a book that has the potential to make an important impact in our world. Representing a dramatic improvement over the award-winning first edition, the authors have written a comprehensive book on prejudice prevention based on current theories and research in psychology and education. Remarkably, although reflecting the highest degrees of scholarship, this book offers easy access to a wide range of audiences including counselors, educators, administrators, and teachers. In deed, this book is a must-read for anyone who is interested in reducing prejudice and all types of -isms (e.g., racism, heterosexism, and sexism) in our world.(Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Readers of the first edition will welcome this extensively revised and expanded volume, especially the attention given to the Multicultural Personality. While retaining its foundation in racial and ethnic identity development, this work equips teachers, counselors and parents with practical skills to be deliberate and intentional in preventing prejudice. Readers with particular interest in biracial, multiracial, and gay/lesbian identity development will find this book especially helpful in addressing concerns relevant to those populations. The section on Instruments and Resources for Prejudice Prevention Work is particularly useful for professionals working in the area of prejudice prevention.(Don. C. Locke, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)TheSecond EditionofPreventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parentsis a critical reference for those conducting research and training aimed to understand, reduce, and ultimately prevent prejudice. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen provide a careful review of history, definitions, theory, research, and application issues. They also add to the focus on racial and ethnic identity development by integrating theoretical and empirical developments on biracial, multiracial, and lesbian/gay identity development. Furthermore, they provide conceptual definition, elaboration, and operationalization of the concept of multicultural personality. An important and unique feature of the text is its presentation of creative exercises aimed to increase multicultural awareness and reduce prejudice in different age groups. In addition, the authors provide a rich range of resources for research and personal development including books, professional organizations, popular movies, and films as well as selected instruments to measure critical constructs in the study and prevention of prejudice. The broad scholarly scope and applicability of this text is truly impressive (Bonnie Moradi, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This expanded and updated version ofPreventing Prejudiceprovides a wealth of information about the causes, manifestations, and correlates of prejudice as well as practical suggestions for activities aimed at reducing or preventing prejudice. Integrating evidence from a wide variety of sources, it is a valuable resource for both researchers and educators. (Jean S. Phinney, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)At a time in the field when everyone clamors to be included in the discussion about diversity and multiculturalism, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen bring us back to our historical roots in this book. They remind us that to participate in the discourse, discerning the nature of prejudice and racism and its psychological effects on ethnic and racial groups is at our core. And, if we fail in our appreciation of this concept, then our ability to prevent prejudice becomes suspect.(Donald B. Pope-Davis, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)This important book is as much about promoting human potential and dignity as it is about preventing prejudice. The ideas presented by Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have implications for the welfare of all oppressed, disenfranchised, and marginalized people. While laying a sound conceptual and research foundation, the authors provide practical exercises and reader-friendliness for a variety of constituents.(Charles R. Ridley, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)More than a decade since the publication of the first edition ofPreventing Prejudice,Drs. Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen give a much needed fresh look at the complexities of prejudice that continue to plague our society. Their book highlights hands-on remedies for counselors, educators, and parents. The text provides outstanding activities and instruction on creating contexts for change. This book is a MUST READ!(Lisa A. Suzuki, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudiceis a must read for anyone dealing with racism and monoculturalism in today’s society. Theoretically based with relevant and masterful practical application, the authors provide teachers, parents, researchers and practitioners the necessary tools to understand and fight prejudice. I especially like the application to parents in working with their children around issues of racism and prejudice.(Daniel T. Sciarra, Ph.D. 2005-11-02)Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents, Second Edition,is a courageous landmark book, in which nationally and internationally known authors have taken on a daunting challenge to combat the Hydra of Prejudice that raises its ugly heads in insidious ways in many painful "-isms." In this definitive and monumental textbook on prejudice, Ponterotto, Utsey, and Pedersen have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance their manifesto of social justice, racial equities, and human rights through proactive approaches. At the cusp of the new millennium, when problems of color and culture lines are still causing a pervasive and destructive American Dilemma resulting in interracial hate, fears, violence, and people’s abuse, this book is a much needed and welcome addition to the field of helping professions. Through their 'tour de force' of prejudice and quintessential concepts of multicultural scholarship, these authors have created a compendium of tools, and a constellation of practical and concrete strategies that are designed to intervene and prevent the scourge of prejudice. In Preventing Prejudice: A Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents,Second Edition,the authors have presented their new ideas on how to combat and prevent prejudice through a most impressive, persuasive, and systematic manner, written with rare lucidity, grace, and stunning clarity. It also demonstrates tremendous depth, perception, and insight into the issues relating to prejudice and its multiple related problems. This second edition has been expanded to include many new constructs of paramount importance from the multicultural personality, leading models of identity development, and African-Centered Psychology.Preventing Prejudicereflects a happy blending of didactic and experiential exercises. Inclusiveness and comprehensiveness are the hallmarks of this book. It is rich in detail and in many ways it is original, profound and provocative and destined to become one of the classic books and shining stars in the galaxy of multicultural counseling. This is superb, comprehensive, and an indispensable book both for the novice and the experienced mental health professionals. It will become a desk reference for many clinicians working with multicultural populations to provide fascinating insights and enlarge their understanding about the Hydra of Prejudice. (Daya Singh Sandhu, Ed.D. 2005-11-02)"The breadth of this book is remarkable, and the authors clearly took on a daunting task to pull such a considerable range of topics into one book. As an overview of simply the scope of this social issue as well as the translation of theory into practice, Preventing Prejudice is exemplary. Adding this book to the curriculum for upper level students will clearly bring these issues to the forefront."(Sherri P. PatakiContemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books2006-09-26)"They [the authors] have greatly expanded the examples of exercises and activities for increasing multiracial awareness and sensitivity into four chapters for elementary and middle schools, high schools, the college campus, and the wider community. Advice for parents has also been expanded, bringing the books focus beyond the first edition's emphasis on the roles of teachers and counselors."(Reference & Research Book News 2006-10-10)

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